Archive for June, 2008

New Author & Bye

Posted in Home on June 6, 2008 by lpg123

ok, well you might be wondering why l am posting. ok l have somethings to tell you.

first of all. l have quit posting on cp not my favorite club penguin army RPF, l am still a regular on their chat, so if you wanna talk to me l might be on their on weekends. some of the reason l have quit is that l have no joy playing club penguin anymore, l have assignments being handed to me everyday (l just finished a 900 words essay) and that l have no time to be able to post. 

l made a final club penguin video, but for some reason is it as blurry as. so l don’t want anyone to see it.

what l have been doing lately:

l have started a new youtube channel and its going well, well the first thing is that their is nothing to do with club penguin. and if you want to visit it

well here is the link:

its basically full of comedy videos and music videos, it has some preatty funny videos.

also new authors-

l have also hired a new author that can have my site and it is Skipperjay, she is a really good friend of mine and hopefully will be taking full control of this blog.

also with current authors: well, how come you arn’t posting? oh, well lm not that mean, you can still be on this site. just post everyone so often.

and: the only way l would only post or to get me back, is for me to be added on the RPF site, but l might not be 😦

ok that is all from me.

Have a nice Day!!

-lpg 123 *RPF WARLORD*